Sunday, 1 May 2011

Hi ho, hi ho

Good morning peeps! Tis I! At last I feel moved to to put digit to keyboard, tho' I suspect this is a delaying tactic. It's 7.15 and I start work soon.
Last night the wind dropped away so went down to fleece the baskets (300 down, 150 to go). Had a look in the glasshouses and then spent the next two hours watering. Seems the automatic system is playing up and lobelia, ageratum and African marigolds were near unto death. Some of you might say thank God for small mercies but you don't have to deal with the ravening hordes who'll descend on us soon. Talking of which, it's open day soon, so I better get on.
 Lots of love(which is what I thought lol stood for) .